1. Bride Share – all items are welcome and there’s even a message board to chat with other brides. Total bonus!!

3. Who can beat theKnot when it comes to wedding resources. The have a message board geared toward every subject. Consider posting your “for sale” items on your local board and also future wedding date boards.
4. In some areas of the country, Craigslist is a great resource. I have been lucky enough to sell and purchase a few pieces of furniture on there myself. Just be super cautious of scammers wanting to send you a check. Always have another person present if someone is coming to your home to look at the items your selling.
5. And last, but not least, the tried and true Ebay. You may consider taking your items to a company who lists and sells the items for you. May save you a lot of time and the best part is that they take the photos and manage the listing for you.
6. If you’re ever in Chicago, you surely have to make a stop at White Chicago. It’s truly a premier couture resale wedding dress boutique. AND for those not in Chicago hold onto your seats because they recently launched an online site as well. www.whiteXchange.com
We would love to hear from fellow readers which sites were most successful for you.
Blissfully Inspired,
Samantha Darr