How’d We Get Our Name?

Since launching in January of 2008, we’ve received wide range of responses to our company name. Many have asked how we chose it. Other’s have proven quite humorous by the different ways it’s pronounced. And of course, some just absolutely love the originality. It’s a name that sticks with you.

For me, when thinking about a company name, I wanted something original and different that was a reflection of my “think-outside-the box” design style. I tried endless combination of words that can be associated with party planning, details of decor and numbers. It finally dawned on me that having my own business was a dream come true at which point was truly the happiest I had been in my career. Hence the word “bliss”.

Now everybody knows, your name should reflect what you do. So I sought the help of the Google translator tool to test every word associated with parties. From there, Soiréebliss! Events was born.

However, you may still be left wondering why the exclamation mark. For me Soiréebliss! has emotion and makes me think of and an expression. So, this is what I leave you with;

Soiréebliss! (swore ā bliss). adj. 1. The state of pure and memorable happiness experienced during a grand celebration. 2. An expressive emotion felt during a period of high emotional joy surrounded by perfection.

Always Inspired to Plan!

Samantha Darr


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