With any business comes growth! I am very lucky and quite fortunate to have withstood the trials of a new business, a new market, a few life changes and a bad economy. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t miss counting my blessings. A big part is acredited to the wonderful team of talented women who have joined my team. We share common work ethic, goals passion for events and whom equally strive to provide our clients the best possible experience on their big day. And honestly, they’re just so fun to be with as well.
Over the past few months, I’ve been working on redeveloping Soiréebliss!’s brand to reflect the chic whimsical style which it’s developed over the past three years. With that, I thought it best to share with other who makes the magic happen. Many, many, many thanks to Steve Lee Photography for spending a few hours with us on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.
Here are some of our favorites:
The Team in front of our new studio space. This is a long time dream in the making.

Big Hugs All-Around,
Samantha Darr